Press Release

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1. General Weather Situation:
Brunei Darussalam is currently in the Southwest Monsoon which will typically persist until September.

During Southwest Monsoon, atmospheric conditions over our country tend to be quite stable with minimal thunderstorms occurrences compared to during the inter-monsoon period. The wind condition generally will be blowing from the Southwest direction during this period.

As of 8.00 am local time today, Monday (22nd July 2024), Tropical Storm GAEMI has been upgraded to Typhoon GAEMI and was observed at coordinates 17.4°N 125.2°E, over Northeast of the Philippine Sea, approximately 1600 km away from Brunei Darussalam (Figure 1). Typhoon GAEMI is forecasted to move Northwestwards and away from our country.


1. Keadaan Cuaca Secara Am:
Negara Brunei Darussalam pada masa ini berada di dalam Monsun Barat Daya, yang pada lazimnya akan berterusan sehingga bulan September.

Semasa Monsun Barat Daya, keadaan atmosfera di Negara kita pada kebiasaannya adalah agak stabil dengan kejadian ribut petir berkurangan berbanding semasa monsun peralihan. Keadaan angin secara amnya akan bertiup dari arah Barat Daya semasa tempoh ini.

Pada pukul 8 pagi waktu tempatan hari ini, Isnin (22 Julai 2024), Ribut Tropika GAEMI telah di naiktaraf ke Taufan GAEMI dan dikesan di koordinat 17.4°N 125.2°E, di kawasan Timur Laut Lautan Filipina, sekitar 1600 km jauh dari Negara Brunei Darussalam (Rajah 1). Taufan GAEMI diramalkan bergerak ke arah Barat Laut dan menjauhi Negara...

1. General Weather Situation:
Brunei Darussalam is currently in the Southwest Monsoon which will typically persist until September.

During Southwest Monsoon, atmospheric conditions over our country tend to be quite stable with minimal thunderstorms occurrences compared to during the inter-monsoon period. The wind condition generally will be blowing from the Southwest direction during this period.

As of 8.00 am local time today, Sunday (21st July 2024), Tropical Storm GAEMI was observed at coordinates 16.8°N 125.1°E, over Northeast of the Philippine Sea, approximately 1700 km away from Brunei Darussalam (Figure 1). Tropical Storm GAEMI is forecasted to move Northwestwards and away from our country.

1. Keadaan Cuaca Secara Am:
Negara Brunei Darussalam pada masa ini berada di dalam Monsun Barat Daya, yang pada lazimnya akan berterusan sehingga bulan September.

Semasa Monsun Barat Daya, keadaan atmosfera di Negara kita pada kebiasaannya adalah agak stabil dengan kejadian ribut petir berkurangan berbanding semasa monsun peralihan. Keadaan angin secara amnya akan bertiup dari arah Barat Daya semasa tempoh ini.

Pada pukul 8 pagi waktu tempatan hari ini, Ahad (21 Julai 2024), Ribut Tropika GAEMI dikesan di koordinat 16.8°N 125.1°E, di kawasan Timur Laut Lautan Filipina, sekitar 1700 km jauh dari Negara Brunei Darussalam (Rajah 1). Ribut Tropika GAEMI diramalkan bergerak ke arah Barat Laut dan menjauhi Negara kita.

1. General Weather Situation
Brunei Darussalam is currently in the Southwest Monsoon which will typically persist until September.

During Southwest Monsoon, atmospheric conditions over our country tend to be quite stable with minimal thunderstorms occurrences compared to during the inter-monsoon period. The wind condition generally will be blowing from the Southwest direction during this period.

2. Brunei Darussalam Weather Forecast
Unsettled weather condition is expected in the coming days due to the formation of a low-pressure system over the South China Sea that leads to more moist and unstable atmospheric conditions over our region.

Weather conditions are forecasted to be active in the next few days starting today, Thursday...